Torino Digitale

Whatsapp torna ad essere gratuito

Whatsapp, il servizio di messaggistica più utilizzato al mondo torna alle origini e diventa nuovamente gratuito. Non si pagheranno più i 0,99 euro all’anno, che comunque non era certo una grossa spesa.

Lo ha comunicato direttamente Whatsapp tramite il suo blog ufficiale.

That’s why we’re happy to announce that WhatsApp will no longer charge subscription fees. For many years, we’ve asked some people to pay a fee for using WhatsApp after their first year. As we’ve grown, we’ve found that this approach hasn’t worked well. Many WhatsApp users don’t have a debit or credit card number and they worried they’d lose access to their friends and family after their first year. So over the next several weeks, we’ll remove fees from the different versions of our app and WhatsApp will no longer charge you for our service.

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